Varicose veins during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a beautiful time, it can cause unpleasant disease, such as varicose veins. About 30% of women, the pathology occurs after the first pregnancy, when later, this figure will inevitably increase. Varicose veins during pregnancy affects the woman, which for him are. Some women say the first manifestation of varicose veins before pregnancy, after which the situation is aggravated.

Varicose veins is a visual spider veins, or so-called "worms", the first is a spider web of blood vessels. "Worms" has been extended to the main veins. In this situation, the bulging veins, which is the thickness of the finger and painted blue-green color. Varicose veins not just a cosmetic defect, this disease is very dangerous and cause serious complications. The most dangerous consequence may be the formation of blood clots, which at any moment can come off, which poses a direct threat to the mother and child.

The reasons for the development of

The reasons for the development of

This unpleasant disease, such as varicose veins in the legs may develop as a result of hormonal changes in the body of the mother. Increasing progesterone contribute to the destruction of the walls of veins. A woman is actively gaining weight, the load on the foot increases, which increases pressure on the veins. Such a load of veins and capillaries start to stretch and increase its size. In addition, the growing uterus compresses the pelvic veins, and causing additional tension of the vessels of the foot.

Another reason for varicose veins during pregnancy want to call the lack of exercise. Many women are in an interesting position, want to be lying down, causing blood stagnates in the veins of the lower leg and dilation of blood vessels.

I want to say that the main reasons that affect the development of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  • The iliac veins are squeezed by the increased uterus. This body, greatly inhibits the flow of blood, because it compresses the vein and the distal inferior vena cava in recent months. Blood circulates poorly in the thighs and vulva;
  • Genetic predisposition is the major cause of development of varicose veins during pregnancy;
  • The work of the hormones. Progesterone actively reduce the tonus of vein walls, causing it to sprain. Increased estrogen causes increased blood flow in the arteries of the uterus and pelvis;
  • Increased pelvic blood flow. Pregnant women suffering increased venous blood flow to the pelvic area. Begin disruption of the outflow of blood from the legs due to which there is stagnation, and the veins dilate;
  • Increase in blood volume. Disorders of the venous system largely occur because of the large increase in venous blood. This happens as a result of increased plasma volume and expansion of the vascular channel;
  • Other causes of venous disease legs during pregnancy are: morphological changes of the tissues, the veins, the anatomical changes in the valves of the veins, pathology of connective tissue;
  • Constipation. Such a delicate thing to take care of almost all pregnant women. If constipation is a push, which as a result of changes in the veins.

Other factors contributing to the development of varicose veins during pregnancy are the age of the mother, number of pregnancies, and heredity.

But there are those causes develop varicose veins during pregnancy, that the cause of his appearance before the interesting position of women, namely:

  1. Often wearing shoes with high heels, which has a height that is greater than 8 cm;
  2. Varieties of hot hair removal;
  3. Several heat treatments, including steam baths, saunas, hot springs, etc.;
  4. A sharp change in weight;
  5. Hiking in the Solarium and often stay in the sun.

Symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis

Symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis

The formation of varicose veins in the legs have their own mechanism, which is presented in the form of pumping blood to the legs, after which it will remain attached to them, as the veins pressed partially. When congestion occurs, which pulls the vein from the inside. The development of this pathology during pregnancy is the steps:

  1. The initial stage happens in practice without any symptoms. Visually you can detect very little changes in the venous network of the foot. In the evening the lower limbs may swell, but the morning of this picture goes without a trace;
  2. Then you can join the seizures that occur at night. Convulsions connected to the severe pain and itching that occurs at night;
  3. The next step is a strong change in the shape of veins. They begin to bulge outward, are large in size and too curved. With so much, you can't feel pain, but in most cases, the woman suffers intense pain.

Problems with the veins, not the doctor. The advice of such an expert on women get answers to questions about therapy or consulting, a vascular surgeon, who specializiruetsya action of the arteries and veins.

Necessary tests:

  • Ultrasound vessels of the legs. This method helps the expert to check the extent of damage to the veins, direction of blood flow and the presence of congestion. On the basis of such examination, the doctor may prescribe medications, which thin the blood or surgery;
  • KLA. This blood shall be to determine the inflammatory process in the body;
  • Coagulation, which is a complex research signs of a blood clot. If the doctor prescribes medicines to thin the blood, such research is carried out again.
The type of varicose veins in pregnant women

The type of varicose veins in pregnant women

It should be noted that varicose veins can be different. Consider those that are most commonly found in women in an interesting position:

  1. Varicose veins in the groin. This type of groin woman has bulging veins, he feels a heaviness in this area;
  2. Varicose veins in the uterus. This disease occurs due to hereditary predisposition and the active work of the iliac veins. Another causes can be abortion, inflammation, disruption of the menstrual cycle, etc.;
  3. Varices of the vagina. This form is most common in pregnant women. Often the pathology of the suffering woman, mother or grandmother had varicose veins in the legs;
  4. Varicose veins on the legs. This type is the most common of all diseases of the veins.

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy, is own step, I want to see more details:

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

1. Compression underwear – it is the initial stage of the treatment of venous diseases, and is a good prevention of disease and for postoperative support. Compression stockings are designed to reduce congestion in the direction of the veins, which leads to a reduction of edema, unpleasant symptoms disappear, and the subsequent development of the disease is interrupted. A compression garment may be different, it can be tights, stockings or socks. These products are manufactured with seamless technology, using the elastic materials.

Compression stockings are a few classes of its kind. Linen can be a therapeutic, prophylactic or hospital. Curative and preventive models can be bought in a regular pharmacy, the packaging always indicates the degree of compression. Recommendations on the choice of clothing to give to the doctor. Otherwise you can buy is too weak or too tight underwear. Should effect you get, if you don't use sweaters from dawn to dusk. Remove the Bel is necessary to establish, in order to avoid a sudden drop in blood pressure;

2. Venotonics – are drugs that affect the veins. Tonic effect on veins happened it, that diosmin increases the period of action of norepinephrine in the still of the vein. Norepinephrine, which in turn increases muscle tone and density of vein walls, has a vasoconstrictor effect and prevents the expansion and the stagnation in the veins.

During pregnancy medicine, which active ingredient – diosmin. Use them only in the second trimester of pregnancy, and only after consulting a doctor. These drugs should be discontinued a few weeks before the birth, in order to avoid the risk of massive bleeding during childbirth;

3. As systemic medications can be taken only in the second trimester, and treatment should start at an early stage of developing varicose veins, can be used in the treatment of topical preparations along with the compression underwear. During pregnancy you can use this lotion.

A great solution to relieve the troublesome symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy is foot massage, which will arrange for a qualified expert. The movement of massage should be smooth, in the direction from the bottom up. If you use gels and creams is permitted to the doctor along with the massage they give the maximum positive effect.

Birth varicose veins

Varicose veins is not a contraindication for pregnancy and childbirth of the child. The woman is only slightly more responsible attitude towards their health this season. The attending physician will definitely offer you methods for the treatment and prevention of disease. The mandatory issue is the delivery, the doctor will consider the method that child of light is a natural birth or a caesarean section. Medicine veins and gynecologist in the joint discussions will come to the desired result.

When possible, doctors will insist on natural childbirth. Before the process of delivery, you will need to use compression stockings or bandaging the legs with elastic bandage. So the doctors remove the probability of reverse drain blood in a vain attempt to.

Disease after childbirth

Disease after childbirth

Many women are wondering if during pregnancy was diagnosed with varicose veins, what awaits them after the birth? The disease has come to naught, or it is the fever? The exact answer to this question is no, and you're not even a doctor.

Some women after giving birth to completely forget the unpleasant problem like varicose veins, while others continue to suffer from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.


We all know that preventing disease is much easier than to deal with it. Therefore, every woman should know how to properly secure to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy.

When you don't have a predisposition to such a disease, you don't need to spend the whole day on foot and are not involved in heavy physical activity, prevention of varicose veins is simple. Well, if all of the above is relevant to you, so prevention should be to perform a double effort, because this is a very effective methods of dealing with the disease. But do not forget that each new pregnancy increases the risk of developing varicose veins.

How pregnant to avoid varicose veins

How pregnant to avoid varicose veins

Ways to prevent the development of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  • Try to walk more. Long walks in the fresh air will do you and baby good. So you can spend a good workout on the calf muscles, which improves blood circulation in the legs;
  • Another way to prevent the disease is swimming, which is not only exercise, but easy full body massage. The positive effects of swimming will be given on the spine of a pregnant woman who is experiencing a huge load, and it's good to be in a relaxed state;
  • The perfect solution for a shower. Make sure that the temperature difference is not too large, otherwise you may become sick. You should start from his state and feelings;
  • Avoid high heels, it can be greater than 3 cm Shoes should be elastic, or fasteners that put pressure on the legs, which reduces blood circulation. The same applies to socks.
  • Sometimes I try to lie down, raised upside down. Put the soft pillow and lay so for about 15 minutes;
  • Try to sleep on the left side. So you have less pressure on the poppies in the vein, which is located on the right side. Attach to the under side of a small soft pillow for more comfort;
  • To prevent varicose veins during pregnancy and just in General good health, spread the time that you have to lie, sit or stand. But that doesn't mean you have to lie on the couch for 10 straight hours or idle hours not moving;
  • Never put a second foot of the second, when sitting, especially in low places;
  • Build a diet that is useful not only veins, but also for digestion in General.

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy want to include strong prevention of weight gain. Be careful what you eat and how much. Don't go too low-fat food in the evening.

And there are special exercises that are designed for pregnant women who want to prevent varicose veins in the legs:

  1. Sit on a chair and put your hands down. Rise up, inhale, exhale sit down;
  2. Stand with your feet apart at shoulder width. Alternately begin to raise the legs, bending the knees, feet tear off it is impossible;
  3. Sit on a chair and perform movements with their feet moving and rotating;
  4. Get up and start smoothly up and down on your toes and back. Don't forget to breathe correctly;
  5. Walk a little first toes, then heels. So do the same with the inner and outer side of the foot;
  6. Stand up, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and start to rotate the foot ankle lower leg, change legs;
  7. When a set of exercises, such as music and dance. So you feel that the feet rested, and the excitement over.